Monday, 11 October 2021

Week 3 - Unity Struggles

 This blog post is to document my week 3 progess with Unity, which hasent been working. I thought I would be able to complete from my home desktop which I encounted an issue that prevented me from starting the tutoriels. An ussue where the unity client would not create a folder to start the project. The issue happend with restarting my computer, running it in adminsistrator and runnging an ealier version of unity that was more stable but even reacing out to my partner who has experiance with unity hade made the suggestion of the diffrent unity client and have not resolved the issue. 

1 comment:

  1. I can relate with your issues on a massive scale. For some reason my Unity wouldnt open Visual studio, I continue to have problems with it so I may have to uninstall and reinstall Unity. Let me know how you get on with yours. I reccomend You do the same and install an older version of Unity if you can

    All the best


its done hopefully unity link youtuble trailer