Showing posts with label game ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label game ideas. Show all posts

Friday, 15 October 2021

Week 3 - Game Ideas

Some of my most enjoyed games are silly and funny dating/friending simulators of either the ridiculous or silly variety like Hiveswap friend sim and Monster Prom, or even silly or wacky ones like Panzer Madels or hatoful boyfriend, and combining these elements with something such as rpg elements for random stat generation and stat modifiers that I would be able to create drawings for characters and creating and writing witty dialog seems fun! 

Another idea would be a rythm base platformer where if you mess up the rythm platforming too much instead of a fail state the song would change and become slower and the faster you can keep up the faster the song would become.

an idea for a 2D game would be a match 3 game based on the periodic table of elements like matching 2 hydrogen to 1 oxygen to create water and so on and so forth.

Monster Prom on Steam

its done hopefully unity link youtuble trailer