Thursday, 5 May 2022

twine fleshing out and spoons


I realize with twine you can use functions to manage to sort of player inventory I can use this to gauge experiences to show additional paths and dialogue towards certain routes you've taken in the story so I worked on fleshing out the pages more and worked on creating graphics for the spoons energy bar

adobe work for twine e learning

I followed not necessarily some twine tutorials but some Adobe illustrator ones which allowed me to render in a process of taking photos allowing me to image trace them and adjust the color palettes to convert to an SVG format which would rescale with the twine pages so I was able to use my photography skills while working on the tutorials



twine prototypeing


I began sketching out the story in twine and assigning a sort of health bar for the player known as spoons and they would gain and lose spoons based on their actions throughout the day. difficult choices might come up for the player later on as some of The choices should be good for the player but might prove more taxing on your energy levels.

its done hopefully unity link youtuble trailer